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Ranma in his perching pose.
Girl Ranma uses the sword-catching technique on a suitor's face.
Ranma and the two Dads -- his and Akane's.
A great closeup of a disgruntled Ranma with bare arms.
She may be a girl, but Ranma-chan's a *tough* girl!
Old blue-eyes him/herself.

She may be a girl, but Ranma-chan's a *tough* girl!
Sequence: A8
Layers: 1
Sketch: None
Background: None

Ranma 1/2 (6)
One good closeup deserves another, I say. So here's the 'lovely' Ranma-chan, red hair blazing, looking as though she's about to pound the living daylights ought of someone.

Made it here

The copyright for all character images is held by their respective creators.
Copyright for commentary, arrangement, and this site is held by Baakay.