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Tate Sensei shouts during a Kendo match.
Yawaru, looking obsessed, cold-eyed and scary. Nothing new here.
Bilka draws his sword.
Say aaaaaah, Kyoji...
Beautiful, sad Yuka.
Akulika (Yuka) in her full Inca headdress.
Kyoji trying to get somewhere in a big hurry, on his motorcycle in the dark.
Akulika faces front.
Yawaru, full length!
Kyoji snarls while readying his weapon.

Beautiful, sad Yuka.
Sequence: A2
Layers: 1
Sketch: 1
Background: None

Nazca (10)
... Yuka, Kyoji/Bilka Tate/Yawaru's love interest. She's absolutely stunning, both in modern dress and in her former life togs. Here she's wearing the wonderful dress of her Aztec self, but not the elaborate headdress that really makes the costume. This poor, tortured lady (voiced by Megumi Hayashibara, the voice of Lina Inverse) just can't decide between the two gorgeous men who love her. Awww, how sad!

Made it here

The copyright for all character images is held by their respective creators.
Copyright for commentary, arrangement, and this site is held by Baakay.