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Closeup of Meier Link fighting D.
D rides his spectacular cybernetic horse alongside a rocky cliff.
D makes his way into a darked hall, sword at the ready.
Crystal's rendition of Vampire Hunter D on his cyborg horse is amazing!

D makes his way into a darked hall, sword at the ready.
Sequence: Scene 20, cut 118B, D2 layer
Layers: 0
Sketch: 1
Background: Copy Matching

Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust (4)
This isn't much of a cel all by itself. It's a very small image of D. But the addition of a copy of the original background turned it into a piece I was happy to grab.

Disappointment abounded in the transaction, though, as first it took darn near forever to arrive (I think the seller sent it over the mountains by oxcart). Then, as I examined it more closely, I discovered two missing paint chips that did not show up on the auction scan because of the dark background. Third, when I scanned it, none of the background's detail appeared.

Ahh but this is why we have Photoshop! A few adjustments of level and contrast, and we suddenly have what *I* thought I saw: a tiny image made stunning by its contrast with the deep reds and blues of the background. Plus, it's a full-body shot of D, showing his interesting costume and extremely long sword. After an inauspicious arrival, this cel earned itself a spot among the favorites!

Made it here

The copyright for all character images is held by their respective creators.
Copyright for commentary, arrangement, and this site is held by Baakay.