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Watercolor of Shizuo with his trademark dark glasses and bartender suit.

Watercolor of Shizuo with his trademark dark glasses and bartender suit.
Sequence: Fan Art - Durarara!!
Artist - Crystal Gronnestad
Layers: 1
Sketch: None
Background: None

Durarara!! (1)
Durarara!! is a weird but fun story about a young man who goes to the big city and gets involved in the machinations of some rival gangs. Everything about the show is bizarre. This character, Shizuo, is someone you don't want to cross - a seemingly peaceful bartender type who, when angered, becomes almost superhumanly strong. He frequently tosses large, heavy objects like streetside trash cans and road signs (which he first rips out of their bases) as weapons.

I loved this depiction of Shizuo by artist Crystal, but by the time I scanned it enough time had passed since I watched the anime that I had to ask her who the heck he was!

Made it here

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